Offset & Limit

The "Offset & Limits" params are the simplest way to get portions of data in your GET all responses. The most common use is to create a "pagination" for tables or limit data in a "infinite scroll" system. When we have many data in the response it is necessary reduce the list to improve performances.

The limits parameters is represent the number of items that we want in our response, the offset it is used as index to "move on" in our array response.



To give an example in a real use case we can think a pagination in a table. The starting page has index 0, suppose that numbers of rows is set as 25. We know that we have the first 25 items, so our offset it will be set to 0 and our limits will be 25. When page number changed to 1, we have to change our offset, so the next request will be as params offset=1 and limit still 25 (cause we want the new 25 items).

Response samples for initial data
    "content": {
        // Total items
        "count": 100,
        "items": [
            {...}, // index: 0
            {...}, // index: 4
    "messages": []

Response samples when change "Offset & Limit"
    "content": {
        "count": 100,
        "items": [
            {...}, // index: 5
            {...}, // index: 9
    "messages": []