asdf Version manager

asdf version manager and Elixir

We provide our standard installation, if you need other configuration follow the official documentation (opens in a new tab).

Install asdf

Clone the official github repo on your root:

git clone ~/.asdf

Add the following to ~/.zshrc:

. "$HOME/.asdf/"

Open a new terminal tab or confirm ~/.zshrc edit with:

source ~/.zshrc

Check the correct installation:

asdf --version

Install Erlang and Elixir

Currently the Arke packages are tested with the below Erlang and Elixir versions, so we suggest to install them:


Install Erlang

To start, we need to install the asdf plugin that installs Erlang and manages the versions for us.


Before installing Erlang, make sure you follow the directions on the plugin page for your platform. To get the best experience, there are additional OS dependencies that should be installed. Once the dependencies are installed, you are ready to install Erlang.

The following command adds the Erlang plugin.

asdf plugin-add erlang

To install Erlang, you first need to decide which version you need. If you don’t have any specific project needs, you can select the suggested version or the latest. To list the available versions, use the asdf list-all erlang command.

asdf install erlang
asdf install erlang 26.2.2

When Erlang version has been installed. Activate globally and locally with:

asdf global erlang 26.2.2
asdf local erlang 26.2.2

Install Elixir

We need to install the asdf plugin that installs Elixir and manages the versions for us.

The following command adds the Elixir plugin.

asdf plugin-add elixir

Now you need to decide which version of Elixir to install. Again, unless you have specific project needs, go with the suggested 1.14.5-otp-25 or latest version. To get a list of available versions, use the asdf list-all elixir command.

asdf install elixir 1.14.5-otp-25
asdf install elixir 1.16.1

When Elixir version has been installed. Activate globally and locally with:

asdf global erlang 26.2.2
asdf local erlang 26.2.2

Check that all installation goes well with:

elixir -v
Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1]

Elixir 1.14.5 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)

For other details about asdf elixir/erlang installation check here (opens in a new tab)