Think Arke


With arke we defined a standard approach to release our application.

Gitflow & conventional commit

We suggest to use a standard git flow approach with the following branch naming:

  • main: production branch
  • staging: pre-production branch
  • develop: development branch
  • feat/<name>: feature branch
  • fix/<name>: bug fixing branch

For the development of a feature and/or bug fixing, fix/feature branches are opened with the pattern feat/<feature-name> or fix/<fix-name> and merged into the develop branch through a Pull Request system (opens in a new tab).

Use Conventional Commits (opens in a new tab) to indicate the commit message

CI & Tagging

For deployment automation, we suggest the use of Workflows on Github Actions on Pull request to validate and check the build and testing of your application.

When build is validated main branch must be released by tagging the commit with the pattern vx.x.x. A Docker image of the application is created and push on Github Container Registry (GHCR) (opens in a new tab).

After this, you can provide your Docker containerized application to your cloud provider.

Below the standard deployment approach that we suggest for your arke applications:
